In Between

On living in the moment of hope

Claudia Smith
Gay Mag


Credit: Steve Proehl/Corbis Historical/Getty Images

AnAn elevator, a parking lot, an empty hotel hallway, the long drive in my rather banged-up Outback as I take my daughter to and from her school on my way to and from the university where I teach downtown; these are, oddly or perhaps not so oddly, the places I feel I most belong. I’ve been leaving, joining, leaving, starting again, trying again, for at least thirty-three years. I turned fifty about a month ago.

I move from one place to another.

I tell my students when we begin to discuss short stories that in a story you don’t have to tie everything together neatly. Sometimes, you end a beat before a moment imagined outside the confines of the pages. A word, a sound, a sentence might punch you in the gut, or a gauzy image might leave you wistful and yearning for what came before. The end of the story isn’t necessarily THE END.

I don’t tell my students that I that I still occupy the space they are in, one that is a state of becoming. “Does that mean everything is in a state of development for you?” One of them asked. It became a way to make us all laugh at times; where are you in the piece? Oh, a state of development. Another student brought up the idea of liminality. What is that? She wanted me to answer.



Claudia Smith
Gay Mag
Writer for

Claudia Smith is the author of Put Your Head In My Lap, Quarry Light, and The Sky Is A Well. Find more about her writing at